Monday, October 19, 2015

FreeKI Games Trivia: Norse Mythology Answers

Here's the complete guide to the Norse Mythology Trivia on FreeKI Games. I figured since my blog is Norse-themed, I should make this guide. This is the only trivia guide I'm planning to make unless they make a Grizzleheim/Ravenscar/Wintertusk trivia. 

  1. Who was the goddess of old age? Elli
  2. Who was the god of the dawn? Delling
  3. Norse Mythology is the mythology of what group of people? North Germanic
  4. Who was the god of skiing, winter, hunting, and dueling? Ullr
  5. Who was the god of inspiration? Kvasir
  6. Who was the goddess of the sea? Ran
  7. Who was the goddess of joy and peace? Nanna
  8. Who was the god of justice, peace, and truth? Forseti
  9. Who was the god of thunder and battle? Thor
  10. Who was the goddess of prudence? Snotra
  11. Who was the god of strength and son of Thor? Magni
  12. Who was the goddess of marriage and motherhood? Frigg
  13. Baldr was the god of what? Beauty, Innocence, Peace, and Rebirth
  14. Who was Odin's father? Borr
  15. Who was the first Norse god? Buri
  16. Who was the goddess of consolation and protection? Hlin
  17. Who was the god of daytime? Dagr
  18. Who was the goddess of healing? Eir
  19. Who was the god of mischief? Loki
  20. Who was the goddess of night? Nott
  21. Who was the god of poetry, music, and the harp? Bragi
  22. Who was the god of revenge? Vali
  23. Who was the goddess of spring? Eostre
  24. Who was the goddess of the sun? Sol
  25. Who was the god of war and the "All-Father?" Odin
  26. Who was the goddess of wisdom? Vor
  27. Who was the goddess of fertility and plough? Gefjun
  28. Who was the wife of Thor and goddess of the harvest? Sif

If any of this information is incorrect or you have a question that wasn't listed, please comment below and I will fix or add it!