Here's the complete guide to the Norse Mythology Trivia on FreeKI Games. I figured since my blog is Norse-themed, I should make this guide. This is the only trivia guide I'm planning to make unless they make a Grizzleheim/Ravenscar/Wintertusk trivia.
- Who was the goddess of old age? Elli
- Who was the god of the dawn? Delling
- Norse Mythology is the mythology of what group of people? North Germanic
- Who was the god of skiing, winter, hunting, and dueling? Ullr
- Who was the god of inspiration? Kvasir
- Who was the goddess of the sea? Ran
- Who was the goddess of joy and peace? Nanna
- Who was the god of justice, peace, and truth? Forseti
- Who was the god of thunder and battle? Thor
- Who was the goddess of prudence? Snotra
- Who was the god of strength and son of Thor? Magni
- Who was the goddess of marriage and motherhood? Frigg
- Baldr was the god of what? Beauty, Innocence, Peace, and Rebirth
- Who was Odin's father? Borr
- Who was the first Norse god? Buri
- Who was the goddess of consolation and protection? Hlin
- Who was the god of daytime? Dagr
- Who was the goddess of healing? Eir
- Who was the god of mischief? Loki
- Who was the goddess of night? Nott
- Who was the god of poetry, music, and the harp? Bragi
- Who was the god of revenge? Vali
- Who was the goddess of spring? Eostre
- Who was the goddess of the sun? Sol
- Who was the god of war and the "All-Father?" Odin
- Who was the goddess of wisdom? Vor
- Who was the goddess of fertility and plough? Gefjun
- Who was the wife of Thor and goddess of the harvest? Sif
If any of this information is incorrect or you have a question that wasn't listed, please comment below and I will fix or add it!