Friday, August 7, 2015

New Winged Catastrophe Pet

A new pet that was discovered recently is the Winged Catastrophe. Following the wake of the Dragonfly, wizards are jumping at a chance to discover the possible new hybrid and get their hands on a soon-to-be must have pet.

Is it a hybrid?
There's a very real possibility that it is a hybrid, but it's now a confirmed Ultra-Rare drop from The Harrowing Nightmare Pack. There's plenty of possibilities for this pet, but my guess is it includes a Black Cat because of the item card. I would also say the other parent is a Meow Wing, but that was tested and remains unconfirmed.
Possible Parents include (this is a random order)

  • Meow Wing
  • Black Cat
  • Dragon (of some sort)
  • Shadow Beast
  • Nightmare

Learn about this pet by clicking this link.

For now we can just wait and see, or be part of some hatching tests! Keep an eye on Twitter and Wizard101 Central to help solve this possible hybrid mystery!

If you discover or confirm anything, PLEASE comment! 

Good luck and happy hatching!

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