A year ago today, I sat on my couch trying to figure out how Blogger worked. A few days before that, I was working on Wordpress and decided I didn't like it. As I tried to put in a domain name, for some reason it was already taken. Frustrated, tired, and ready to qive up, I brainstormed different names for my blog. I finally realized that I should use something related to my favorite world, Grizzleheim. Then it dawned on me...
Nordic Champion. Voila! Nordic Champion Blog arose from the ashes of
Amaranthine Fog, my original name for my blog.
Looking back on a year's progress, I cannot believe how far I've came. I went from a blog that no one read to 1,000 monthly page views! It is truly humbling to know that many of you turn to my blog for help, entertainment, or discussions. My two greatest accomplishments, getting on the Wizard101 Monthly Newsletter numerous times and holding a Fansite Festival event, are something I must thank you for. Without you, there's no purpose to my blog. I cannot thank you enough for allowing me to give you information, sponsor events, and enjoy Wizard101 with you.
I didn't even think I'd get this far. When I made my blog I wasn't sure how it would turn out. I had so much fun writing my first few dinky posts that I decided to stick with it. I didn't think I'd be on the Wizard101 Newsletter or even run a Fansite Festival event, let alone with in my first year. Now that I've got so much accomplished in one year, there's no turning back. This blog is here to stay and hungry to accomplish more goals!
The banner to the blog I never had, RIP Amaranthine Fog |
I remember when I my old template had a gray post background with a blue font. I am so glad I don't use it anymore. Cosmetically, my blog has changed a lot. Now it looks more professional. I will continue to edit my blog's appearance as needed. I know for a fact I will remain a really bad photo editor.
This year I want build my community more. I would like to finally figure out the problem I've been having with Disqus and comments not syncing. (I've been working on that for months) I would like to buy my domain, which unfortunately will not be
nordicchampion.com because somebody else has it. (grrr to you domain stealer) I will likely be nordicchampionblog.com, which isn't as cool, but it's all I can get. I'm also hoping to do more giveaways, which have been seldom since the only giveaway I've done was sponsored by KI. Hopefully I'll be able to buy some stuff for you guys :)
I would like to thank some specific people for all that they've done for me this past year :)
Special thanks to
Frostcaller for being my go-to for tech questions!
Thanks a million to
Max. the coolest supporter and friend I know :)
Much gratitude to
Wizard101 for all the times they've put me on the monthly neswsletter!
A huge Thank You to all my readers for being the coolest wizards out there! Love you all!
Thank you again for an amazing year! I can't wait to see what this one has in store!